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The Wailin' Jennys - Firecracker / 2006

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Adaugat de MARCU 02.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.211 vizualizari

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The Wailin' Jennys - Firecracker


A is for apple, B is for blind
I jumped so fast I left the ground behind
You set your sights homeward
And you are more than wise
It's late night heading into morning

You can get used to almost anything
Deep sea eyes, porcelain skin
Love's sweet nests and their boxing rings
It's late night heading into morning

Firecracker, firecracker
Sparkling in the sky
To those of us who saw
Looked like the fire should die
Knowledge pulls the reigns against
The bliss that I once knew
When you set your sights on me
And the firecrackers flew

Ocean of friendship, diamonds far and deep
We still talk of the future
Remembering soft sleep
A is for apple, apple of my eye
It's late night heading into morning

Late night heading into morning...


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