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Doors - The End (Live at The Hollywood Bowl)
Versuri/text:romana si engleza
cesta este sfarsitul prieten, frumos
Acesta este sfarsitul, singurul meu prieten, la sfarsitul
A planurilor elaborate, la sfarsitul
De tot ceea ce se afla, la sfarsitul
Nici o siguranta sau o surpriza, la sfarsitul
Nu voi uita in ochii tai
Din nou
Iti poti imagina ce va fi
Deci, nelimitate si gratuite
Nevoie disperata
De mana vreunui strain
Intr-o tara disperata
A pierdut intr-o pustie roman de durere
Si toti copiii sunt nebuni
Toti copiii sunt nebuni
De asteptare pentru ploaie de vara
Exista pericol la marginea orasului
Ride drumul regelui, iubito
Ciudat pare interiorul minei de aur
Ride pe autostrada de vest, pentru copii
Ride sarpe
Ride sarpe, la lac, lac vechi, copilul
Sarpele este lung sapte mile
Ride sarpe
El este vechi si pielea este rece
Occidentul este cel mai bun
Occidentul este cel mai bun
Ajunge aici si vom face restul
Autobuzul albastru ne cheama
Autobuzul albastru ne cheama
Driver, unde ne duceti
Criminalul sa trezit inainte de ivirea zorilor
El a pus cizmele pe
El a luat un chip de galerie antica
Si a mers pe jos pe hol
El sa dus in camera in care locuia sora lui
Si apoi a facut o vizita la fratele sau
Si apoi a mers pe jos pe hol
Si a ajuns la o usa, si sa uitat inauntru
"Tatal?" - "Da, fiule?" - "Vreau sa te omor,
Mama, vreau sa ... "
Haide, iubito, ia o sansa cu noi
Haide, iubito, ia o sansa cu noi
Si ne intalnim la partea din spate a autobuzului albastru
(Autobuz albastru inca acum ...
Haide, fata)
Acesta este sfarsitul prieten, frumos
Acesta este sfarsitul, singurul meu prieten, la sfarsitul
Ma doare sa te elibereze
Dar nu sa ma urmati
Sfarsitul de ras si moale minciuni
Sfarsitul noptii am incercat sa moara
Acesta este sfarsitul
Come on, turn the lights out, man
Turn it way down
Hey Mister Lightman
You gotta turn those lights way down, man!
Hey, I'm not kidding, you gotta turn the lights out
Come on!
What do we care...?
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my ownly friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land
Come on, baby!
And we were in this house and there was a sound like
Silverware being dropped on linoleum, and then
Somebody ran into the room and they said
"Have you seen the accident outside?"
And everybody said:
"Hey man, have you seen the accident outside?"
Have you seen the accident outside
Seven people took a ride
Six bachelors and their bride
Seven people took a ride
Sever people died
Don't let me die in an automobile
I wanna lie in an open field
Want the snakes to suck my skin
Want the worms to be my friends
Want the birds to eat my eyes
As here I lie
The clouds fly by
Ode to a grasshopper...
I think I'll open a little shop,
A little place where they sell things
And I think I'll call it "Grasshopper"...
I have a big green grasshopper out there
Have you seen my grasshopper, mama?
Looking real good...
(Oh, I blew it, it's a moth)
That's alright, he ain't got long to go, so we'll forgive him.
The dog crucifix
The dead seal
Ghosts of the dead car sun
Stop the card
I'm getting out, I can't take it
Hey, look out, there's somebody coming
And there's nothing you can do about it...
The killer awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he...he walked on down the hallway, baby
Came to a door
He looked inside
Yes, son?
I wanna kill you
Mother...I want to...
Fuck you, mama, all night long
Beware, mama
Gonna love you, baby, all night
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Meet me at the back of the blue bus
Meet me at the back of the blue bus,
Blue rock,
Blue bus,
Blue rock
Blue bus.
Kill! Kill!
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft cries
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end.