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Rod Stewart - Baby Jane / 1983 live

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Adaugat de alecu 22.02.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.417 vizualizari

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Rod Stewart - Baby Jane / 1983


Baby Jane don't leave me hanging on the line
I knew you when you had no one to talk to
Now you're moving in high society
don't forget I know secrets about you
I used to think you were on my side
but now I'm no longer sure
I wish I knew what I know now before

When I give my heart again
I know it's gonna last forever
No one tell me where or when
I know it's gonna last forever

Baby Jane don't it make you feel sad
just when I thought that we were winning
You and I were so close in every way
don't time fly when you're loving and laughing
I've said goodbye so many times
the situation ain't all that new
Optimism's my best defense
I'll get through without you

When I give my heart again
I know it's gonna last forever
No one tell me where or when
I know it's gonna last forever
I won't be that dumb again
I know it's gotta last forever
When I fall in love again
I know it's gonna last forever

Baby Jane I've said all I want to say
go your own way don't think twice about me
Cause I've got ideas and plans of my own
so long darlin' I'll miss you believe me
The lesson learned was so hard to swallow
but I know that I'll survive
I'm gonna take a good look at myself and try, yeah.

When I give my heart again
I know it's gonna last forever
No one tell me where or when
I know it's gonna last forever
When I fall in love next time
I know it's gonna last forever
I won't be that dumb again
I know it'll last forever


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