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The Pretenders - Break Up The Concrete / 2008

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Adaugat de vara 14.02.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.390 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Pretenders - Break Up The Concrete


There was a red brick road where I grew up on
And a pretty stone wall round a fragrant lawn
Fish in the pond that sparkled in the dawn
But it ain't no more it's all gone gone gone

Ram it! Cram it! Grand Slam it!
Break up the concrete, Break up the concrete
Prod it! Sod it! Metal Rod it!
Break up the concrete,
Thwak it! Crack it! Lineback it!
Break up the concrete,
Shake it! Bake it! Earthquake it!
Break up the concrete

And the depot over there right next to the tracks
That the slaves put down, while breaking their backs
But those texas* zoo no would ever get into a carriage
Or anything that might lead to an interracial marriage
(*the uppermost deck of an inland or western river steamer)

Ram it! Cram it! Grand Slam it!
Break up the concrete
Prod it! Sod it! Metal Rod it!
Break up the concrete
Thwak it! Crack it! Lineback it!
Break up the concrete
Shake it! Bake it! Earthquake it!
Break up the concrete

Now don't tell me it's progress cause that's just a lie
And don't even try to come with an excuse why!
We we're so busy worrying about them dropping the bomb
We didn't notice where our enemy was really coming from!

Hey boys c'mon let's do it!

Ram it! Cram it! Grand Slam it!
Break up the concrete,
Prod it! Sod it! Metal Rod it!
Break up the concrete
Shake it! Bake it! Earthquake it!
Break up the concrete
Ram it! Slam it! Just cram it!
One more time!
Break up the concrete
Break up the concrete

Now he who laid it, come back here and raid it


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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