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Husker Du - Terms Of Psychic Warfare / 1985

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Adaugat de etna 09.02.2015  Adauga la favorite 2.049 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Husker Du - Terms Of Psychic Warfare


I see you walking down the road
And the thoughts within my mind explode
But having to hold back taught me a lot about control
And letting it all loose at once when it was time to let you know
You occupied my space and you occupied your mind
By jumping off the roof to the first conclusion you can find

Now all the silver you can steal
Can't buy a piece of what I feel
It's sad but the means they just don't justify the ends
To be forever haunted by the ghosts of all your friends
Painful, yeah that's the way you've chosen it to be
C'mon can't you think of anyone besides me?

Now don't think you're the only one who harbours a self hate
I'm just as guilty of selling what my sweet soul creates
And don't feel bad the next time my memory comes creepin'
You've got your own bed now, I suggest that's the one you sleep in


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