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The Rolling Stones - Connection / 1966

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Adaugat de labionda 04.10.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.365 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Rolling Stones - Connection


All I want to do is to get back to you.
Connection, I just can't make no connection.
But all I want to do is to get back to you.

Everything is going in the wrong direction.
The doctor wants to give me more injections.
Giving me shots for a thousand rare infections
And I don't know if he'll let me go

Connection, I just can't make no connection.
But all I want to do is to get back to you.
Connection, I just can't make it, connection
But all I want to do is to get back to you.

My bags they get a very close inspection.
I wonder why it is that they suspect me
They're dying to add me to their collections
And I don't know if they'll let me go

Connection, I just can't make no connection.
But all I want to do is to get back to you.
Connection, I just can't make no connection.
But all I want to do is to get back to you.


Semnaleaza o problema


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