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Mark Knopfler - The Scaffolder's Wife / 2007

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Adaugat de orly 29.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.138 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Mark Knopfler - The Scaffolder's Wife


The scaffolder's wife
driving out of the yard
with a face that's as hard
as a scaffolder's bar -
when she goes into town
she might take the top down
on the car

The quick little steps
in the stiletto boots
and the hair with the roots
She comes in as a rule
to get the nails done
and the tan for the sun
when the kids are in school

Don't begrudge her the Merc
it's been nothing but work
and a hard life
Losing her looks
over company books
- the scaffolder's wife

In the wicked old days
when they went it alone
kept the company going
on a wing and a prayer
They don't pay what they owe
when they have the cash flow
- they don't care

Don't begrudge her the Merc
it's been nothing but work
and a hard life
Losing her looks
over company books
- the scaffolder's wife


Semnaleaza o problema


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