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Mark Knopfler - Boom, Like That / 2004

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Adaugat de orly 26.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.261 vizualizari

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Mark Knopfler - Boom, Like That


i'm going to san bernardino
milkshake mixers
that's my thing, now
these guys bought
a heap of my stuff
and i gotta see a good thing
sure enough, now
or my name's not kroc
that's kroc with a 'k'
like 'crocodile'
but not spelled that way, yeah
it's dog eat dog
rat eat rat
boom, like that

the folks line up
all down the street
and i'm seeing this girl
devour her meat, now
and then i get it, wham
as clear as day
my pulse begins to hammer
and i hear a voice say:
these boys have
got this down
oughtta be a one of these
in every town
these boys have
got the touch
it's clean as a whistle
and it don't cost much
wham, bam
you don't wait long
shake, fries
patty, you're gone
and how about that
friendly name?
heck, every little thing
oughtta stay the same
or my name's not kroc
that's kroc with a 'k'
like 'crocodile'
but not spelled that way, now
it's dog eat dog
rat eat rat
boom, like that

you gentlemen
ought to expand
you're going to need
a helping hand, now
so, gentlemen
well, what about me?
we'll make a little
business history, now
or my name's not kroc
call me ray
like 'crocodile'
but not spelled that way, now
it's dog eat dog
rat eat rat
boom, like that

well we build it up
and i buy 'em out
but, man they made me
grind it out, now
they open up a new place
flipping meat
so i do, too
right across the street
i got the name
i need the town
they sell up in the end
and it all shuts down
sometimes you gotta
be an s.o.b.
you wanna make a dream
send 'em south
if they're gonna drown
put a hose in their mouth
do not pass 'go'
go straight to hell
i smell that
meat hook smell
or my name's not kroc
that's kroc with a 'k'
like 'crocodile'
but not spelled that way, now
it's dog eat dog
rat eat rat
boom, like that


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