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Mark Knopfler - Why Aye Man / 2002

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Adaugat de orly 25.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.347 vizualizari

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Mark Knopfler - Why Aye Man

Albumm:"Mark Knopfler ‎– The Ragpicker's Dream / anul 2002



We had no way of staying afloat,
We had to leave on a ferryboat.
Economic refugees,
On the run to Germany.
We had the back of Maggie's hand,
Times were tough in Geordieland.
We got wor tools and working gear
And humped it all from Newcastle to here.

Why aye man, why aye, why aye man
Why aye man, why aye, why aye man

We're the nomad tribes, travelling boys
In the dust and dirt and the racket and the noise
Drills and hammers, diggers and picks
Mixing concrete, laying bricks
There's English, Irish, Scots, the lot
United Nation's what we've got
Brickies, chippies, every trade
German building, british-made

Why aye man, why aye, why aye man
Why aye man, why aye, why aye man

Nae more work on Maggie's farm
Hadaway down the autobahn
Mine's a portacabin bed
Or a bunk in a nissen hut instead

There's plenty deutschmarks here to earn
And German tarts are wunderschon
German beer is chemical-free
Germany's alreet with me
Sometimes I miss my river Tyne
But you're my pretty fraulein
Tonight we'll drink the old town dry
Keep wor spirit levels high

Why aye man, why aye, why aye man
Why aye man, why aye, why aye man


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