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Mark Knopfler - Nobody's Got The Gun / 1996

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Adaugat de orly 25.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.872 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Mark Knopfler - Nobody's Got The Gun


Nobody's got the gun
Nobody's trying to get the drop on anyone
Nobody's standing out on main street
With the sun blazing down
Saying "There's only room for one of us in this here town"
Nobody's got the be the number one
Nobody's got the gun

She may not understand
And she may want you eating from her hand
If she's got you in a corner
And you can smell the smoke and flame
You reach for your revolver
To do the same
You'll blow your love away forever, number one
Nobody's got the gun

You may think love is hard enough
You may never get to rehearse
And you can do without this stuff
Making everything worse

She's just the same as you
She needs your love just like you want her to
You can't go playing poker
With a pistol in your sleeve
You can't make somebody love you
By threatening to leave
If you want a love forever, number one
Nobody's got the gun


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