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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Mark Knopfler - Imelda / live 1986

Adaugat de orly 25.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 530 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Mark Knopfler - Imelda


She's going shopping for shoes
She wants them in magenta and Caribbean blue
Platinum and buttercup lilac and black
They fill a bucket up and laugh behind her back
Imelda baby Imelda baby what to do
All the poor people saying that they gotta quit paying for you

In New York and Paris on the Champs Elysee
They see her coming from a long way
They clap their hands together when they get her in their store
She's gonna wanna get more more more and more and more
Imelda baby Imelda baby what to do
All the poor people saying that they gotta quit paying for you

Everyone's gone Jackie O
She was a regular here
We thought madame would like to know
We've got the blood red rouge right here

Now we've got all of madame's requisites and all in madame's size
Madame's taste is truly exquisite she must accessorise
The belts are alligator the bags are kangaroo
Enchante may I say the jade was made for you
Imelda baby Imelda baby what to do
All the poor people saying that they gotta quit paying for you
Imelda baby Imelda baby what to do
All the poor people saying that they gotta quit paying for you


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