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Iggy Pop - Shoeshine Girl / 1996

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Adaugat de laura 17.08.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.545 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Iggy Pop - Shoeshine Girl


One day as I was walking
Through an airport corridor
I saw a comely goth girl
With tattos on her form
She gezed up with her pretty white face
And shone her eyes on me
She shined my shoes and then I knew
That I would spellbound be
Her hair was not the shiniest
Her skin was not like silk
But she had a way of looking
that made me wanna milk
As I sat high above her
Her cleavage I could see
I contemplated both of them
That's how she spellbound me
She wore black on her clothing
And she wore black on her boots
lt was Lollapalooza day
But she didn't Iike the groups
I got lost in her pale skin
And wanted to stay down
But I had someone waiting
So I left spellbound
So if you're dark and lovely
And you see me passing by
A smile I'd appreciate
And a little bit of crime
I haven' got a dollar
And I haven't gol a crown
I wander lost across this earth
I'm just spellbound


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