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Sara Evans - Otis Redding / 2003

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Adaugat de mihai 15.07.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.480 vizualizari

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Sara Evans - Otis Redding


Fireflies are out tonight
Air is heavy and the moon is bright
I love this time of year
I talked to you this afternoon
You said you didn't have very much to do
I said I'd be here
So come on over, come on in, come on by baby
Otis Redding makes me feel good
Dancin' in the kitchen barefoot
All the windows up, just can't get enough
Headlights on my front lawn
I guess it didn't take you very long to decide
To come on over, come on in, come inside baby
Won't you come on up, come on in, come inside baby
There's just something 'bout the way


The way you talk to me
You give just what I need
And when you come around my feet can't find the ground
I'm losin' myself like a drop in the rain
You twist me up like a hurricane
I can't stand up for fallin' down
So come on up, come on in, I like it when you come around
A minute ago there were a million stars
And now it's soaking wet out in my backyard
Let's take cover baby
But you just wanna run around in the rain
You make me laugh like a kid again
Loud and crazy baby
There's just something 'bout the way


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