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Rory Gallagher - Never Asked You for Nothin / 1990

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Adaugat de coco 06.07.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.478 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Rory Gallagher - Never Asked You for Nothin


Never asked you for nothing
Not one crust of bread
Never asked you for nothing
Not one crust of bread
So now you changed your mind
How good can my luck get
Let’s go out walkn’
Down on the avenue
Let’s go out walkn’
Down on the avenue
So now you’ve changed your style
My lonely days are through
You pushed the deals with the wheels
Of the wrecking crew
You set me up with the man
From the chosen few
Never asked you for nothing
But you were such a tease
You left me drifting
Lonesome as could be
So now you telephone
I’m in cell block number three
Never asked you for nothing
My luck is just a twist
Never asked you for nothing
My luck is just a twist
When I had a lucky hand
They put hand-cuffs on my wrists
Never asked you for nothing
Not one crust of bread


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