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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Rory Gallagher - Walkin' Wounded / 1990

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Adaugat de coco 06.07.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.170 vizualizari

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Rory Gallagher - Walkin' Wounded


I'm walkin' wounded,
Got my heart in a sling.
I've been injected,
Till I don't feel a thing.
You got me hurting,
Where it gets me most.
If I had some sense,
I'd move back to the Southern Coast.

I'm truly wounded
Like a fox in a snare.
I feel inspected,
'Cause I'm caught in your glare.
You've done your damage,
Are you sure that you're through?
Don't cross me no more,
I've had enough of you.


I'm sleepwalkin',
Like an unlit fuse,
I'm breaking out, baby,
Got no time to lose.

I feel suspended',
Got no lust for life.
You drew my picture,
As sharp as a knife.
Time is a wastin',
But the message got through.
Don't cross me no more,
I've had enough of you.

I'm walkin' wounded,
Got my heart in a sling.
I've been injected,
Till I don't feel a thing.
You got me hurtin',
Where it gets me most.
I've got some sense now,
I'm going back to the Southern Coast.



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