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Rory Gallagher - Too Much Alcohol / 1974

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Adaugat de coco 30.06.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.181 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Rory Gallagher - Too Much Alcohol


Too much alcohol,


I went down on 31st Street,
To pick up a jug of alcohol,
Well, I went down on 31st Street,
To pick up a jug of alcohol.


Told the man to put in some water,
But he wouldn't put in a drop at all.

I was drinking my straight alcy,
And I went walking on down the street,
Well, I was drinking my straight alcy,
And I went walking on down the street.


Well, my eyes got so heavy,
I nearly fell half asleep.

Well, I like sherry brandy,
My baby sure like gin,
Well, that little girl I got,
Sure put me in the,
Spin I'm in.

Well, I went down on 31st Street,
To pick up a jug of alcohol.


I told the man to put in some water,
But he wouldn't put in a drop at all.

Whisky make me drowsey,
And gin can make you think,
Well, a common cold can kill ya,
But, my baby tell me to drink,

I went down on 31st Street,
To pick up a jug of alcohol,


I told the guy to put in some water,
But he wouldn't put in a drop at all,
One hundred per cent alcohol,
Well, let me have some.

Well, I like sherry and brandy,
My baby sure likes gin,
And that little girl I got,
Sure put me in,
The spin I'm in.

I went down on 31st Street,
To pick up, pick up a jug of alcohol,


I told the man to put in some water,
But he won't put in a drop at all.

Ninety one per cent,
Better make it ninety two,
Ninety three per cent,
Ninety four, that'll do,
Ninety five,
Ninety six,
Ninety seven per cent,
Bartender that's ninety nine,
Make it one hundred per cent,
One hundred per cent,
One hundred per cent,
Wanna try some,
I wanna try some,
One hundred per cent,
Then I won't feel a thing at all.


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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