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Mazzy Star - Umbilical / 1996

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Adaugat de matusa 02.06.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.711 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Mazzy Star - Umbilical


She should have seen the thing in mother's belly
Grew up alongside her sister's...
She reached out for nourishment (and falls from her mother's umbilical cord)
With her sister in the (womb)

One day she opens her mouth wide and swallows (her surroundings)
The red, and orange and the sounds all around her
Now she was (in her corner)
Now she was (in her corner)
Her eyes closed with some kind of complete
Some kind of complete

Now she can walk in the sunlight (with a quiet sense of relief inside)
Now she walks in the sunlight
An extra feeling inside her soul, makes her cry her mama's belly...opens her...sisters
One day she opens her mouth wide and swallows (her surroundings)
The red, and orange and the sounds all around her
(in the) sunlight...makes it (go away)
Now she was (in her corner)
In the sunlight
Now she was (in her corner)......she has...........
Her eyes closed with some kind of complete
Some kind of complete

(and now) she walks in the sunlight (with the extra feeling, inside her)
Now she walks in the sunlight (with the extra feeling, (inside her)
(inside her???)


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