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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Fleetwood Mac - You And I, Part II / 1987

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Adaugat de aurel 21.05.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.462 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Fleetwood Mac - You And I, Part II


I wake up
With my eyes shut tight
Hoping tomorrow will never come
For you and I

Oh the phantoms
Crawl out of the night
Hoping the daylight will never come
For you and I

Keep your heart open and your eyes shut tight
What will be, will be
Keep your heart open and your eyes shut tight
But don't forget about me

Oh the phantoms
Crawl out of the night
Hoping tomorrow will never come
For you and I

Keep your heart open and your eyes shut tight
What will be, will be
Keep your heart open and your eyes shut tight
But don't forget about me

I wake up
With my eyes shut tight
Hoping tomorrow will never come
For you and I
Hoping tomorrow will never come
For you and I
For you and I
For you and I
For you and I


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