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Elton John - The Bridge / live 2006

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Adaugat de ionut 15.05.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.522 vizualizari

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Elton John - The Bridge


I've seen the bridge and the bridge is long
And they built it high and they built it strong
Strong enough to hold the weight of time
Long enough to leave some of us behindchorusAnd every one of us has to face that day
Do you cross the bridge or do you fade away
And every one of us that ever came to play
Has to cross the bridge or fade awayStanding on the bridge looking at the waves
Seen so many jump, never seen one saved
On a distant beach your song can die
On a bitter wind, on a cruel tide
And the bridge it shines
Oh cold hard iron
Saying come and risk it all
Or die trying


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