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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Lenny Kravitz - Someone Like You / 1993

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Adaugat de fram 30.04.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.853 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Lenny Kravitz - Someone Like You


Waiting impatiently for you to come
Wondering if you will always be the one
Is this good for you
Is it wonderful for you too
'Cause baby I told you I'm ready for love
I'm anticipating and waiting for some
Tell me what to do
Tell me baby 'cause I love you
It's been so lovely
Now that I got you
I've been looking for someone like you
Someone like you
What do you like to do
What do you got to say
Just tell me baby what's on your brain
'Cause I just want to sit down and talk for awhile
Do you want to make babies ?
Do you want a career
Well whatever it is darling, I just want you near
And we'll be together just you and me dear
It's been so lovely (It's been so lovely)
Since I find you
I was praying for someone like you
Someone like you
Ain't been lonely
Now that I got you
I was waiting for someone like you
Come on come on come on yeah
Been so lovely
Now that I got you
I've been waiting for someone like you
Someone like you
Someone like you ......


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