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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Elton John - I'm Going to be a Teenage Idol / 1973

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Adaugat de tony 29.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.595 vizualizari

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Elton John - I'm Going to be a Teenage Idol

Well there's slim times when my words won't rhyme
And the hills I face are a long hard climb
I just sit cross legged with my old guitar
It kind of makes me feel like a rock and roll star

Well it makes me laugh Lord it makes me cry
And I think for once let me just get high
Let me get electric put a silk suit on
Turn my old guitar into a tommy gun

And root-toot-shoot myself to fame
Every kid alive gonna know my name
An overnight phenomenon like there's never been
A motivated supersonic king of the scene

I'll be a teenage idol, just give me a break
I'm gonna be a teenage idol no matter how long it takes
You can't imagine what it means to me
I'm gonna grab myself a place in history
A teenage idol that's what I'm gonna be

Well life is short and the world is rough
And if you're gonna boogie boy you got to be tough
Nobody knows if I'm dead or alive
I just drink myself to sleep each night

And so I pray to the teenage god of rock
If I make it big let me stay on top
You got to cut me loose from this one room dive
Put me on the ladder keep this boy alive


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