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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Elton John - Where to Now St. Peter? / 1970

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Adaugat de peter 28.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.475 vizualizari

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Elton John - Where to Now St. Peter?


I took myself a blue canoe
And I floated like a leaf.
Dazzling dancing, half enchanted
In my merlin sleep.
Crazy was the feeling,
Restless were my eyes.
Insane they took the paddles.
My arms they paralyzed.

So where to now St. Peter,
If it's true I'm in your hands?
I may not be a Christian,
But I've done all one man can.
I understand I'm on the road
Where all that was is gone.
So where to now St. Peter?
Show me which road I'm on;
Which road I'm on.

I took a sweet young foreign gun.
This lazy life is short.
Something for nothing always ended
With a bad report.
Dirty was the day break,
Sudden was the change,
In such a silent place is this
Beyond the riffle range.

So where to now St. Peter,
If it's true I'm in your hands?
I may not be a Christian,
But I've done all one man can.
I understand I'm on the road
Where all that was is gone.
So where to now St. Peter?
Show me which road I'm on;
Which road I'm on.

I took myself a blue canoe.


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