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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Adam & The Ants - Mile High Club / 1981

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Adaugat de valiza 27.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.506 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Adam & The Ants - Mile High Club


747 or a VC10
winter, summer who knows when?
takeoff passion flyaway love
Mile High Club
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
I never heard that noise before
don't be treated like a pound
let currencies go up and down
Mashed Potato, Rocksteady Rub
Mile High Club
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
I never heard that noise before
never give up never say die
ignore the fools when they cry
If this thing fails - nothing at all!
It won't fail
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs
it's got its ups and downs


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