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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Metallica - Ronnie / 1996

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Adaugat de Mircea 23.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.672 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Metallica - Ronnie


Story starts, quiet town
Small town boy, big time frown
Never talks, never plays
Different path, lost his way

Then streets of red, red I'm afraid
No confetti, no parade
Nothing happens in this boring place
But oh my god, how that all did change
Now they all pray
Blood stains wash away

He said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
I heard him, he said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today

I always said, somethin' wrong
With little strange Ronnie Long
Never laughed, never smile
Talked alone, miles and miles

Gallow calls, son I say
Keep your smile, and laugh all day
Think once again, in this boring place
For little boys, how the soon change

Now they all pray
Blood stains wash away

He said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
I heard him, he said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today

Yeah, well all the green things die
When Ronnie go to the place
He said, "Don't you dare ask why
I'm cursed to wear this face"

Now we all know why children called him
Ronnie Frown
When he pulled that gun from his pocket
They'd all fall down

He said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
I heard him, he said "lost my way"
This bloody day
Lost my way
All things wash away
But blood stained the sun red today


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