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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Metallica - Thorn Within / 1996

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Adaugat de Mircea 23.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.599 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Metallica - Thorn Within


Forgive me Father
For I have sinned
Find me guilty of the life I feel within

When I'm branded
This mark of shame
Should I look down disgraced
Or staright ahead
And know that you must blame

I am, I am the secret
I am, I am the sin
I am, I am the guilty
And I... I am the thorn within

Forgive me Father
For I have sinned
Find me guilty when true guilt is from within

So point your fingers
Point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow you
One and the same are we

I am, I am the secret
I am, I am the sin
I am, I am the guilty
And I... I am the thorn within

I do your time
I take your fall
I'm branded guilty
For us all

So point your fingers
Point right at me
For I am shadows and will follow
One and the same are we

I am, I am the secret
I am, I am the sin
I am, I am the guilty
And I... I am the thorn within

I am the thorn within...(x6)


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