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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Kinks - Daylight / 1973

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Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.812 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Daylight


Daylight over the Village Green early in the morning.
Daylight over the hills and valleys heralding the morning.
Daylight over the mountains, daylight on the Village Green,
Daylight over the field and the factories.
Another night has gone away and here comes yet another day.

See the early morning risers walking round with bleary eyes.
Worn out housewives grit their teeth ignoring new born babies' cries.
Look at all the busy people this way, that way, everywhere
Biting toast and swallowing tea and breakfast specials on the air.
Feel that daylight.

Feel the sunlight on my pillow and it stops my yawing.
I thank God that I'm still around to see another dawn in.
Daylight over the valleys, daylight lighting up the trees,
Daylight over the hillside,
Smile a smile and sing a song, another night has been and gone.

Middle-aged bankers crack their backs and wish they were young and in their teens,
Lonely spinsters dream of dating Roger Moore or Steve McQueen.
Health fanatics in their attics training for the Empire Games,
School boys dream of Captain Scarlet, battle ships and aeroplanes.

Feel that daylight, Daylight.
Daylight on the Village Green,
Field and the valleys,


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