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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Kinks - Look a Little on the Sunny Side / 1972

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Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.807 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Look a Little on the Sunny Side


Look a little on the sunny side

Even when they say you're on the slide,

And for a while they'll say your records never make it,

But in a while they're gonna be showering you with praises.

They'll give you mediocre reviews

And put you in the underground for a while,

But look a little on the funny, sunny side of life,

Look a little on the sunny side.

You sing 'em the blues

And then they ask for a happy tune,

And when you start to smile they'll say gimme dat rhythm and blues,

And when you give 'em dat rhythm and blues they'll simply smile and say

We didn't want to hear you play,

We didn't like you any way.
It's very hard to please the people every single time,

But look a little on the sunny side.

Look a little on the sunny side
Even when you feel you want to hide,

You gotta laugh, don't let your critics ever upset you,

'Cos for a while the cynics will all be out to get you.

You gotta be shrewd, you gotta be strong

You've gotta convince yourself that you are not wrong,
Whistle a tune and think of a catchy, happy, little song

And look a little on the sunny side.

It's very hard to please the people every single time,

But look a little on the sunny side.

They're gonna put you down for a while

You've got to learn to grit your teeth and smile

And look a little on the funny, sunny side of life,

Look a little on the sunny side.


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