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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Kinks - Come Dancing / 1983 live

Adaugat de floarea 20.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 780 vizualizari

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The Kinks - Come Dancing

Text/ versuri:

They put a parking lot on a piece of land
Where the supermarket used to stand
Before that, they put up a bowling alley
On the site that used to be the local palais
That's where the big bands used to come and play
My sister went there on a Saturday
Come dancing
All her boyfriends used to come and call
Why not come dancing?
It's only natural
Another Saturday, another date
She would be ready, but she'd always make him wait
In the hallway, in anticipation
He didn't know the night would end up in frustration
He'd end up blowing all his wages for the week
All for a cuddle and a peck on the cheek
Come dancing
That's how they did it when I was just a kid
And when they said "come dancing"
My sister always did
My sister should have come in a midnight
And my mom would always sit up and wait
It always ended up in a big row
When my sister used to get home late
Out of my window I could see them in the moonlight
Two silhouettes saying good night by the garden gate
What are you doing out there? Come on, you're gonna be out there all night?
The day they knocked down the palais
My sister stood and cried
The day they knocked down the palais
Part of my childhood died, just died
Now I'm grown up and playing in a band
And there's a car park where the palais used to stand
My sister's married and she lives on an estate
Her daughters go out, now it's her turn to wait
She knows they get away with things she never could
But if I asked her I wonder if she would
Come dancing
Come on sister, have yourself a ball
Don't be afraid to come dancing
It's only natural
Come dancing
Just like the palais on a Saturday
And all your friends would come dancing
While the big bands used to play


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