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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Steppenwolf - Who Needs Ya' / 1970

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Adaugat de maria 14.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.517 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Steppenwolf - Who Needs Ya'


Well, it's sunrise on the freeway as I get back from town
Find you standin' in my boots, kicking my dog around
Empty bottles on the floor
Enough to build a monument
Then you've got the nerve to tell me
Somebody took the rent

Who needs ya'? Think about it baby, who needs you?
Now you can save your lip, just pack your grip
And leave a trail of smoke behind you
Who needs ya'? Can you tell me baby, who needs you?
Who needs you? Think about it baby
Well, who needs you? Can you tell me please?

Last week you pulled another of your tricks
You let your brother move in here with a herd of freaks
They ate us out of house and home
Turned this place into a sty
Darlin' by tomorrow you'll be eatin' humble pie

Repeat Chorus


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