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Steppenwolf - From Here to There Eventually / 1969

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Adaugat de maria 13.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.081 vizualizari

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Steppenwolf - From Here to There Eventually


You've filled his house with things of gold
While handing crumbs to the old and poor
And then you preach about being pure
And wonder why we're laughing
In your old way you're trying to find us
But we can't follow what's behind us
Too much blind faith, it will blind us
Though sometimes it's a blessing

But I remember when I still embraced you
A little prayer would ease my mind
'Til I saw that you hide from the misery outside so I left you behind
But all the other teachings
That I've tried were 'bout the same
One grain of truth mixed with confusion caused by man
But since you're around anyway
May as well get you back on your feet again
Get right back up on your feet
Don't ya know we need somebody to
Do some work down in the street
You might just touch somebody
Start to think about today
Throw your robe and staff away
And break away from yesterday
Ah, tell me can we reach you
I don't know, still we got to go
From here to there eventually

While others die up against the wall
You take the time to tell us all
'Bout how we're not supposed to ball
You really are a riot
It's got nothin' to do with heaven or hell
What I do in bed, I'm not gonna tell
What I'm talking about you know damn well
You really ought to try it

Repeat Chorus


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