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Donovan - Salvation Stomp / 1974

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Adaugat de Alexandra 13.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.446 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Donovan - Salvation Stomp

When I heard that crazy music comin' out the scene,
That achin', shakin' shuffle down along the Mississippi Queen
That rough and randy off-beat, and that funky bass,
That slinky, snakey, kinky licorice sticking up the place

Couldn't keep my feet from jumping -
Couldn't keep my toes from tapping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my plates of meat from flippin and flopping all along.

Wild Cat Harry wheelin' great big flying boots
Spillin' floorboards as the trumpeter, he go a rooty tooty toot
Long haired, lanky lady, black drag delight, yeah
Just jiggin' up and down, hey, man, she was a jiggin' out of sight.

Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my toes from tapping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my plates of meat from flippin and flopping all along.

Alright now, let's go.

Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my toes from tapping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my feet from stomping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my plates of meat from flippin and flopping all along.

Big beer belly, bouncing up and down,
Great clouds of reefer coming over from the shady side of town
Funky monkey suit and tophat, roll them blood-shot eyes,
Just let it all hang out and boogey woogey down to Paradise.

Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my toes from tapping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my feet from jumping - Salvation Stomp
Couldn't keep my plates of meat from flippin and flopping all along.

Cool, cool cats.
Cool, cool cats.
Cool, cool cats.



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