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Ed Sheeran - This / 2011

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Adaugat de marcus 11.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.523 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ed Sheeran - This


This is start of something beautiful
This is start of something new
You are the one that make me loose it all
You are the start of something new, ooh

And I throw it all away
Watch you fall into my arms again
And I throw it all away
Watch you fall, now

You are the earth I will stand on
You are the words I will sing

And I thrown it all away
Watched you fall into his arms again
And I thrown it all away
Watched you fall, now

And take me back
Take me home
Watch me fall, down to earth
Take me back, home

This is start of something beautiful
You are the start of something new


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