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Natasha Bedingfield - How Do You Do? / 2007

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Adaugat de Mariana 09.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.919 vizualizari

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Natasha Bedingfield - How Do You Do?

Albumm:Natasha Bedingfield - N.B. / anul 2007


How do you do?
If it's weird for girls to give guys flowers,
Then maybe that's a reason too,
You're not climbing up my ivory tower,
So I'm comin' down for you,

Is it wrong to write our names in love hearts,
In the dust that's on the car you drive
Droppin' hints can only get you so far,
When you don't know that I'm alive

Is it wrong to be the instigator [is it worng, is it wrong?]
Is it bad to be the move maker
Guess I gotta be the first to say a
to say a, to say a

How do you do?
If you won't say it, I will,
How do you do?
I'm really pleased to meet you,
How do you do?
Gotta say it how I feel it,
Say it or I will,

When you're hanging at the point of stalement,
It's not the time to bite your tongue
So at the risk of looking really stupid,
I'm gunna take the plunge

Is it wrong to be the instigator [No]
Is it bad to be the move maker
Guess I gotta be the first to say a
to say a, to say a


Say it or I will

It's not good enough just to sit around drinkin tea
Touching all each onlt weather
Exchanging pleasantries
I've been too resevred to cimcumspect
Sick of crossing words
Now I want to connect

Gotta say it how I feel it,
Say it or i will


Pop, R&B


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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