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The Cardigans - Paralyzed / 1998

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Adaugat de felix 05.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.711 vizualizari

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The Cardigans - Paralyzed


Albumm:The Cardigans - Gran Turismo / anul 1998


This is where your sanity gives in
And love begins.
Never lose your grip,
Don't trip, don't fall,
You'll lose it all.
The sweetest way to die.

It lies deep inside;
You can not hide,
It's the meanest fire.

Oh, it's a strange desire,
You can not lie
That's a needless fight.

This is where your sanity gives in
And love begins.
Never lose your grip,
Don't trip, don't fall,
You'll lose it all.
The sweetest way to die.

When your blood runs dry
You're paralyzed.
It will eat your mind.
Did you hold it back?
It comes to you in slow attacks;
It's the meanest fire.

This where your sanity gives in
And love begins;
Never lose your grip,
Don't trip, don't fall
You'll lose it all.

This is where your sanity gives in
And love begins
Never lose your grip,
Don't trip, don't fall.
You'll lose it all.

This is where your sanity gives in
And love begins
Never lose your grip,
Don't trip, don't fall
You'll lose it all;
The sweetest way to die.

Alternative rock, electronic rock, ambient rock


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