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The Cardigans - Closing Time / 1995

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Adaugat de felix 05.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.708 vizualizari

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The Cardigans - Closing Time


it's closing time, and a well-known fact
is that life is very short
it's closing time says the band
and it seems that life is very short

the baker in town was fat as a cow
at the end of the day he ate all remains
the baker in town was murdered one day
an order was left of 200 pies
we've all got some vice
after closing time

so this is it!
the carnival is now heading for a new town
we hope you enjoyed the show
the party at gordon's developped into a chaos
but the report says no one was hurt
and we've also heard that charley actually did solve the case
the gruesome killing of the bakerman
finally, the clown left the circus to become a plumber
he says : "suits me just fine, and life is very fine
and this is closing time"

it's closing time, and a well-known fact
is that life is very short
it's closing time says the band
and it seems that life is very short
la lalala lala lalala
la lala la la
la lalala lala lalalala
la lala la la la

life - greatest of all
life - strongest of all
but at the same time
most delicate time
could well end in a moment


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