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Phil Collins - Both Sides of the Story / 1993 live

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Adaugat de turcu 02.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.339 vizualizari

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Phil Collins - Both Sides of the Story


'Though we might hate to admit it,
There are always two sides to every story'

Find yourself in the gutter in a lonely part of town
Where death waits in the darkness with a weapon to cut some stranger down
Sleeping with an empty bottle, he's a sad and an empty hearted man
All he needs is a job, and a little respect, so he can get out while he can

We always need to hear both sides of the story

A neighborhood peace is shattered it's the middle of the night
Young faces hide in the shadows,
While they watch their mother and father fight
He says she's been unfaithful, she says her love for him has gone
And the brother shrugs to his sister and says
Looks like it's just us from now on'

We always need to hear both sides of the story

And the lights are all on, the world is watching now
People looking for truth, we must not fail them now
Be sure, before we close our eyes
Don't walk away from here
'Til you hear both sides

Here we are all gathered in what seems to be the centre of the storm
Neighbours once friendly now stand each side of the line that has been drawn
They've been fighting here for years, but now there's killing on the streets
While small coffins are lined up sadly, now united in defeat

We always need to hear both sides of the story

And the lights are all on, the world is watching now
People looking for truth, we must not fail them now
Be sure, before we close our eyes
Don't walk away from here
'Til you see both sides

White man turns the corner, finds himself within a different world
Ghetto kid grabs his shoulder, throws him up against the wall
He says 'would you respect me if I didn't have this gun
'Cause without it, I don't get it, and that's why I carry one'

We always need to hear both sides of the story


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