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Faith Hill - I Think I Will / 2002

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Adaugat de kafka 27.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.888 vizualizari

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Faith Hill - I Think I Will


What would you say if I said something strange,
That made a difference, and how you feel,
What would you do if I did something out of the blue,
To make the world a better place,
Oh I think, I will

Gonna change for our break,
Gonna take your heart,
And can make it mine this time,
Oh I, I think I will,
Oh, I'm gonna run till I find,
Another way to make you mine in time,
Oh I, oh I think I will,
I think I will

What would you give if I give you everything,
And that's for nothin', how would you feel,
What would you think if I thought about doing something good,
Yeah, just to make you smile,
Oh I think, I will

Gonna change for our break,
Gonna take your heart,
And can make it mine this time,
Oh I, I think I will,
Oh, I'm gonna run till I find,
Another way to make you mine in time,
Oh I, oh I think I will, yeah

Takin' it slow puttin' right goal,
More like no other think I will,
Longer I go stronger I get,
How positive I think, I will,
Takin' it slow longer I go,
And more I can know our things that well,
Longer I am there stronger I get,
How positive I think I will

Gonna change for our break,
Gonna take your heart,
And can make it mine this time,
Oh I, I think I will,
I'm gonna run till I find,
Another way to make you mine in time,
Oh I, I think I will, yeah

Gonna change for our break,
Gonna take your heart,
And can make it mine this time,
Oh I, I think I will,
I'm gonna run till I find,
Another way to make you mine in time,
Oh I,
Gonna change for our break,
Gonna take your heart,
And can make it mine this time,
Oh I


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