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Faith Hill - A Room in My Heart / 1995

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Adaugat de kafka 26.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.402 vizualizari

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Faith Hill - A Room in My Heart


My heart was once just like a home
With many rooms and open doors
And I always let love in
It would change the rooms around and then
Leave them empty

'Til one by one I locked each door
And soon forgot what love was for
But I never gave up hopin'
So I left just one door open
In case you found me

So there's a room in my heart for you
If your trust has been stolen too
If you walk softly on this worn out wooden floor
And leave behind you the hurt you've had before
There's a room in my heart for you

We'll paint the walls from blue to white
And set the mood by candlelight
Together we'll keep out the cold
And I'll still be there when we're old
If you'll let me

So there's a room in my heart for you
If your trust has been stolen too
If you walk softly on this worn out wooden floor
And leave behind you the hurt you've had before
There's a room in my heart for you


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