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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Bette Midler - The Rose / live 1980

Adaugat de alecu 25.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 699 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Bette Midler - The Rose


Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
and you it's only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give,
and the soul afraid of dyin'
that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been to long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong,
just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snow
lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose.


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