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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Kaleidoscope - Please / 1967

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Adaugat de suzy 22.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.723 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kaleidoscope - Please

i know you mean to help
when you're giving me advice
but don't you realize
that you can't live my life
i've got to get me up and fly
i can't breathe down here
and if i crash keep standing by
i'm just getting into gear

stand by me
you don't need to say a word
if i stumble or i fall
or i can't see
the writing on the wall
don't say nothing at all
just stand by me
stand by me

Don't tell me about
how i'm doing right or wrong
i don't need no advice
on how to sing my song
i've got to find my own way
and do my own thing
and if you wanna be my friend
let me push my own swing

stand by me
you don't need to say a word
if i stumble or i fall
or i can't see
the writing on the wall
don't say nothing at all
just stand by me
stand by me


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