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Sinead O'Connor - The State I'm In / 2000

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Adaugat de fane 21.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.254 vizualizari

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Sinead O'Connor - The State I'm In


I'm circling around the Sun
Hoping for a chance to see
You above everyone
To rescue me from this heat
I'm wating for night to fall
And it's been days
Are you sorry yet?
You took our one and final breath
When the flag was halfway down
Just look at me now...
Oooooh- It's like a breeze blowing deep beneath my skin
Oooooh- Won't you help me out of the state I'm in
Oooooh- I can't stand myself since you've been gone
There's nothing there to lean upon
Walk into a photograph
That waiter took so well
Oooh if I could only laugh
Like that girl did at some hotel
I call out to anyone
But not too loud
I'm not ready yet
To share the phone or TV set
It's long way to come
Out of this one...
Oooooh- It's like a breeze blowing deep beneath my skin
Oooooh- Won't you help me out of the state I'm in
Oooooh- I can't stand myself since you've been gone
There's nothing there to lean upon
And now it seems so fatal
The last stone we left uncradled
And I ask you are you sorry yet?
Are you sorry yet?
Cuz I may never come
Out of this one...
Ooooh- It's blowing deep
Ooooh- And I can't get out
Oooooh- No I can't get out, I can't get out
Ooooh- It's blowing deep beneath my skin
The state I'm in
This is the state I'm in
The state I'm in
This is the state... I'm... In...


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