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Vanessa Carlton - Heroes & Thieves / 2007

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Adaugat de otelul 20.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.348 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Vanessa Carlton - Heroes & Thieves


Well, disaster it strikes on a daily basis
And I'm looking for wisdom in all the wrong places
But still wanna laugh in disappointed faces
And you can't help me
I'm blinded by these

Heroes and thieves at my door
And I can't seem to tell them apart anymore
Just when I've figured it out
Darling it's you I'm without

Well I'm stubborn and wrong,
But at least I know it
I keep movin' along
Until I can get through this
But maybe this song is the best I can do it
So I'm patiently waiting on these

Heroes and thieves at my door
And I can't seem to tell them apart anymore
Just when I've figure it out
Darling it's you,
Darling it's you oh,
Darling it's you

I'm without your comforting logic like
These days are the ones I'll miss
And I seek a solitude
That I can't find without you

Well it seems like I'm getting closure somehow
A flicker of peace that I finally found
Thank you for believing in me now
Cause I do need it

Give me a year or two
And I'll mend my ways
And see these mistakes
And when I see the truth,
Darling trust me, when I can see
I'll be coming back
I'll be coming back to you

These heroes and thieves at my door
And I can't seem to tell them apart anymore
Just when I've figured it out
Darling it's you oh,
Darling it's you oh,
Darling it's you I'm without


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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