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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Pogues - The Sun and the Moon / 1996

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Adaugat de masaj 14.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.493 vizualizari

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The Pogues - The Sun and the Moon


The snakes they can crawl
And the cheetahs they can bawl
And their ghosts can wait for the hereafter
But if you are so proud
As to say that's not allowed
We will get sick and choke ourselves with laughter

And the girlfriends that you knew
To whom you promised to be true
We'll have their sisters
Hanging from the rafters
And every dirty shade will rise rotting from the grave
Tomorrow will be just like the day after

And this bitter desert wind
will come ripping through your skin
And everything that's calm
will turn madness
And all of your false tears
will come whirling down the years
What was kind and warm
will turn to sadness.

And the sun and the moon
Will come begging at your door
The stars will turn to rust
And drop from the skies
And everybody will soon be asking you for more
And everybody will be telling lies

And the girlfriends that you knew
To whom you promised to be true
We'll have their sisters
Hanging from the rafters
And every dirty shade will rise rotting from the grave
Tomorrow will be just like the day after


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