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The Pogues - Four O'Clock in the Morning / 1996

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Adaugat de masaj 14.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.555 vizualizari

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The Pogues - Four O'Clock in the Morning


4 O'Clock in the morning
When the ambulance arrived
4 O'Clock in the morning
When the ambulance arrived
The blue lights were flashing
As they lay my baby down inside

They took her to the hospital
In the darkest hour of the night
They took her to the hospital
In the darkest hour of the night
It was silent as the grave
As my baby lay beneath the light

They turned on the gas and cut her open
She didn't feel no pain
They turned on the gas and cut her open
She didn't feel no more pain
Daylight was breaking
And down came the rain

Down came the rain
Down came the rain
Down came the rain
Down came the rain


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