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Country Joe & The Fish - Waltzing in the Moonlight /1968

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Adaugat de naveta 13.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.134 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Country Joe & The Fish - Waltzing in the Moonlight


I find you waltzing in the moonlight,
I find you waltzing and there's nobody around you,
Nothing to astound your unreal.
I see this happening before me,
I see this happen and your colors touch my empty eyes
Begin to shine with a glow.

Do you know how strange it seems
Lost behind a dream
The clock tick of my mind is winding you.

The sound you're making in the stillness,
The sound you're making as it fills my head with madness
Lost forever sounds of this dream.

I seem to feel as though I'm dreaming
I seem to feel you and your warm and loving splendor
Tomorrow I'll remember your name.

Do you know how strange it seems
Lost behind a dream
The clock tick of my mind is winding you.

¡Viva Campesino Jose y los Pescados!

I find you waltzing in the moonlight
I find you waltzing and there's nobody around you,
Nothing to astound your unreal.

I seem to feel as though I'm dreaming,
I seem to feel you and your warm and loving splendor,
Tomorrow I'll remember your name.

Do you know how strange it seems
Lost behind a dream
The clock tick of my mind is winding you.



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