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Kansas - Opus Insert / 1976

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Adaugat de fane 31.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.023 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kansas - Opus Insert


There's a reason for all that rhymes, it's the fact and the way of the times
It's moving emotion, it's high and it's low, no matter where you go
There is something for all who look, there's a story in every book
All of the pages, between all the lines, so much that you can find
But there's too many empty lives my friend
And we just can't let them waste away
For this life is a precious thing my friend
And we just can't wait another day
There's a message in every word, and it's more than the word you heard
It's moving emotion, it comes like a sea, washing all over me
For there's nothing that we can't do my friend, cause the spirit is with us all
And it's here and it's now, it's up and it's down
You can feel it surrounding us all.
After all we're all the same, only difference is a name and where we are
In this crazy mixed up deal, there's so much that you can feel
Near and far it's where you are
And there's times when I can't contain all the feelings of love I'll gain
It's there for the asking, it's for all of you if you would take it too
But there's too many empty lives my friend
And we just can't let them waste away
For this life is a precious thing my friend
And we just can't wait another day


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