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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Kansas - What's On My Mind / 1976

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Adaugat de fane 31.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 668 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )

Well you told me that I was just not the one,
And you left me standing out in the cold
It's been a long time and I'm so much better now
That I'm looking back and seeing it all
And for the first time there's no pain in my life
Though it's a long hard road that I've gone
We had a good thing and it made me a man cause I know
You got me goin', pardon me my feelings are showing
I'm only saying what's on my mind
Well I found you or maybe I found myself
And I think we knew it all of the time
We fit together just like a lock and a key
And we opened up each other's minds
Yeah, I was laughing 'caus there was no room to cry
There was too much growing to do
We had a good time and it ain't over yet 'cause I know
You got me goin', pardon me my feelings are showing
I'm only saying what's on my mind
You came from nowhere and you just jumped in my life,
And I know it never will be the same
You made me love you and now I'm home once again
No, I never want to leave you no more
'Caus I'm attached to the better half of myself
And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be
You filled an empty, you fixed a bad broken heart, and I know
You got me goin', pardon me my feelings are showing
I'm only saying what's on my mind



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