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Joan Baez - Requiem / 2008

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Adaugat de Alexandra 27.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.381 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Joan Baez - Requiem / 2008

Versuri / text:


Mother Mary, full or grace, awaken,
All our homes are gone, our loved ones taken,
Taken by the sea,

Mother Mary calm our fears, have mercy,
Drowning in a sea of tears, have mercy,
Hear our mournful plea,

Our world has been shaken,
We wander our homelands forsaken,
In the dark night of the soul bring some comfort to us all,
O mother Mary come and carry us in your embrace,
That our sorrows may be faced,

Mary fill the glass to overflowing,
Illuminate the path where we are going,
Have mercy on us all,
In funeral fires burning,
Each flame to your mystery returning,

In the dark night of the soul your shattered dreamers,
Make them whole,
O mother mary find us where we've fallen out of grace,
Lead us to a higher place,

In the dark night of the soul our broken hearts you can make whole,
O mother Mary come and carry us in your embrace,
Let us see your gentle face, mary.




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