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Kim Wilde - Where Do You Go from Here / 1995

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Adaugat de emil 26.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.539 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Wilde - Where Do You Go from Here

Hey, hey don't look so far away boy
Tell me what you're thinking
You say you're scared my love won't stay
Don't get lost in superstition

What does it take
For two hearts to trust enough to stay together
When is it safe
For two friends to turn into lovers forever
Why don't you know
By now you know me so very well
If you're asking then I'll tell

Where do you go from here
Straight to my heart that's where you belong
Where do you go from here
Straight to my heart that's where you belong

Hey, hey nothing could ever change the course of our collision
No fear we're destined to be here it's not even our decision

It's out of our hands
Love is a precious gift that we're given
Love as a plan
So don't try to read the writing in the heavens
You'll understand
The answers in my touch and my kiss
Boy you can be sure of this

Where do you go from here
Straight to my heart that's where you belong
Where do you go from here
Straight to my heart
Forever to be as one

Don't even try to deny the feeling deep in your soul
Cos you know that love will always take control

It's out of your hands
Love as a plan
So don't try to read the writing in the heavens
You'll understand the answers in my touch and my kiss
Boy you can be sure of this


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