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Marianne Faithfull & Rufus Wainwright - Children / 2008

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Adaugat de lorena 24.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.391 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Marianne Faithfull & Rufus Wainwright - Children Of Stone


Our chemical devotions of the night,
Bring endless labyrinths of vines to light.
Your silent spell won't bring you home tonight.
You couldn't open up your veins to light.

All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for a golden sunlight.
All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for a golden sunlight.

Our chemical devotions of the night,
Desanguinate limbs veined with valleys of ice.
Children of stone your crystal cages align.
Crown of creation bring me into the light.

All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for the golden sunlight.
All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for a golden sunlight.

Our chemical devotions of the night,
Desanguinate limbs veined with valleys of ice.
Children of stone your crystal cages align.
Crown of creation bring me into the light.

All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for the golden sunlight.
All that blossoms, all that blooms lies fallow in the night,
Waits for a golden sunlight.


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